Cindy Crawford's book launch and advice for entrepreneurs

This week's business tip: If you want to take your business to the next level, you have to invest in it. Whether it's time or money (usually both), you need to determine what your business is missing and proactively find resources to fill in those gaps. Having a hard time attracting your ideal clients? Or can't figure out how to stay on top of your finances? Keep reading.

Have you ever wanted to improve an area of your life, but kept putting off the work because it seemed too daunting? But, deep down you knew that in order to achieve your goal you had to put in some not so glamorous work? Well, you're not alone.

Even celebrities, who appear to have everything handed to them on a silver platter, have to put in a lot of hard work behind the scenes.

Last week, Cindy Crawford hosted a launch party for her book: Becoming. The international superstar, who recently turned 50, chronicles her journey to becoming the woman she is today. And a lot of the work she did, had nothing to do with being "pretty". 

It was taking the time to study the industry, perfect her skill and develop self-confidence. As entrepreneurs, the work we do behind the scenes is what determines our success. The books we read, the courses we take and consistent dedication.

You can probably relate to this. I know I can. When I wanted to improve my marketing skills, I invested $2,000 and eight weeks in a training course. When I wanted to improve my business finances, I had to spend hours getting my systems and processes organized.

I couldn’t be less interested in writing about that,” she said. Instead, she wanted “to help people understand the art of photography and modeling. There’s a skill involved. It’s not just about being pretty.
— Cindy Crawford on "Becoming"

What can you learn from Cindy Crawford's book launch and savvy business skills?

  1. Take the time to invest in your craft. In InStyle, Crawford is quoted as saying that the book is not just about makeup or workout tips. "I couldn't be less interested in writing about that," she said. Instead, she wanted "to help people understand the art of photography and modeling. There's a skill involved. It's not just about being pretty."

  2. Have a business plan and execute. The making of this book was obviously planned well before Cindy turned 50. She had an idea for a way to commemorate her birthday, developed a strategy and executed flawlessly. Need help writing a business plan? Check out my "Write a business plan in 7 days" course.

  3. Market the heck out of your product or service. To promote the book, Crawford planned a launch party and invited all of her fabulous friends (like Tyra Banks), publicists and journalists that would help spread the word. Even if you don't have a large budget or connections to InStyle, you can still experience a successful launch if you put together a marketing plan.

If you have an area of your life that you want improve, you have to invest time and money in order reach your goal.

If you want to finally feel on top of your finances as an entrepreneur, you have to invest in your education to learn about bookkeeping and financial management. Check out this Xero guide on how to make bookkeeping fun and the Money & Mimosas courses to apply your knowledge.

Of course, this is easier said than done. If you are like me, you are the queen or king of procrastination. But, once you finally take the time and invest money into improving your skills, the outcome is always more than worth it.

Your challenge this week: 

What is one area of your business or life that you want to improve in 2016 and one step you will take today to reach your goal?

Leave a comment below and let me know.

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