Money Date With Your Money Buddy

Every Friday I recommend having a money date…with a mimosa. Hence the name of my blog, Money & Mimosas. Your money date is your special time to review your spending and income, reflect on your goals, and celebrate your wins. Feel free to do it alone or with your money buddy. If you’d like a step-by-step guide for your money date, click here to join my newsletter and download the free checklist. 

I usually like to treat myself during my money date and visit a restaurant that inspires me to elevate my lifestyle. Since we’re all experiencing the COVID-19 pandemic, I’ve been doing my dates at home and having virtual happy hours with friends to chat about life and business.

This is my friend, Diane! She is an incredibly talented product designer and a total goddess.

This is my friend, Diane! She is an incredibly talented product designer and a total goddess.

Mimosas with ambitious girlfriends is always a good time!

Mimosas with ambitious girlfriends is always a good time!

What is a money buddy?

Having a money buddy is something that I encourage all the time, especially with our Money & Mimosas members.

A money buddy is someone you can share your financial goals with, your business vision, challenges, wins and everything in between.

For me, my fiancè Nick is my #1 money buddy and then I have a couple of girlfriends who I go to when I wish to chat about money. Over the years I’ve realized that is important to have money buddies who are on the same wavelength as you. They have to be someone who has an abundant mindset and is not diseased with the comparisonitis illness. This illness often comes with a scarcity mindset. There is more than enough to go around and people who compare their success to others are going downhill to nowhere fast.

Instead, you want money buddy girlfriends who can listen to your ideas and offer genuine insights without feeling threatened that you are competing with them. You also want money buddy girlfriends who are ambitious and striving to achieve financial goals. One of the ways to go higher and reach your highest potential is to surround yourself with others who are committed to the same path.

When chatting with your money buddy, here are some questions you can ask each other:

During your weekly and monthly check-ins with your Money Buddy, be sure to ask the following questions.

How did you feel about your money this week?
❏ How close are you to reaching your goals?
❏ What are the steps you’ll take next week to create wealth?
❏ How can I support you?

If you’re looking for a community of like-minded people, check out the Money & Mimosas membership community that launches April 1, 2020. Sign up for my weekly newsletter to be the first to hear about it.

About Money & Mimosas: Money & Mimosas was started as a passion project by Danetha. A former NFL cheerleader turned entrepreneur, she started blogging as a way to combine all of her passions into a career. Money & Mimosas is now enjoyed by readers in over fifty countries with the same dream of achieving financial freedom without living frugally.

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