Release Your Money Blocks With This Exercise

At Money & Mimosas, our philosophy is that financial freedom is a journey of self-love. Along that journey, there are three pillars to help guide you.

You can think of these three pillars as you would think of the three pillars associated with physical health.

The three pillars of your physical health are:

  • Pillar one: physical activity

  • Pillar two: nutrition

  • Pillar three: self-image  

The same goes for thriving financially. The three pillars of your financial health are:

  • Pillar one: your financial wellness

  • Pillar two: money mindset 

  • Pillar three: money aura

Financial health pillars

Financial wellness is to money as physical activity is to the body. These are the action steps you can take to elevate your financial health and create financial security. Just like you take action steps to elevate your physical health.

Money mindset is akin to nutrition. Just like you need to feed your body with wholesome foods, you must feed your mind with wealthy thoughts. In the mainstream financial media, the messages around money are muddied with anxiety, fear, and scarcity-oriented thinking. These poor messages need to be balanced with messages of abundance that will nourish and expand your mind.  

Money aura is akin to the self-image you have of your body. An individual can know which workouts to do and what foods are best for their body, but if they have a poor self-image they will sabotage their efforts. The same applies to money. A poor money aura is the result of unhealed financial trauma. In the United States, the history of white economic terrorism has negatively impacted the money aura of both the abused and of the abuser. Everyone has suffered as a result of the racist and sexist policies that have allowed white people to build economic power on the backs of human beings.

Your money aura

Your money aura is an energy field. Either your energy field attracts abundance or it attracts scarcity. Either you are a money magnet or you are a debt magnet. Either you are attracting financial opportunities or you are attracting financial challenges.

The good news is that you are in complete control of your money aura. The bad news is that you are in complete control of your money aura. Oh, the wonders of life.

As I write this, it is the new moon in Pisces. The watery, dreamy Pisces is offering an invitation to heal our money aura as a collective and individually. The focus of this new moon is to clean up our behaviors and intentionally create a solid financial foundation in order to attract abundance.

What does this look like?

  1. Become aware of your poor money beliefs and replace them with wealthy money beliefs. A poor money belief is saying things like, “I have to work twice as hard to get half as much.” A wealthy money belief is replacing that thought with, “I have intentionally cultivated all the skills and talents I need to thrive - not just survive, financially.”

  2. You can shift these beliefs by stating affirmations to yourself in the mirror such as “I am worthy of an overflowing bank account”, “I am a money magnet”, “I am worthy of living a life full of abundance.”

Healing your money aura also relates to strengthening your chakras. Your chakras are the energy fields that we all have. Have you ever heard someone say, or thought to yourself, “Wow, that person has great energy!” You are referring to their chakras.

When your chakras are clear and balanced, you attract abundance into your life. When they are clogged and imbalanced, you attract scarcity. The most effective way to balance your chakras is through somatic healing.

Releasing money blocks through somatic healing

Somatic healing refers to therapies that center on the mind-body connection.

The term “somatic” means “relating to the body.” A somatic healer or therapist helps you release any pent-up trauma that has become “trapped” in your body.

In the video below, you'll meet Stephanie Pierce, a Money Maker member, who will teach you how to work with your chakras through movement exercises to release money blocks.