Wardrobe Tips For Every Woman With Big Money Goals

Dress shabbily and they remember the dress; dress impeccably and they remember the woman.
— Coco Chanel
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As I shared last week, confidence is super duper important when it comes to being financially successful. If you don’t feel confident, you won’t have the courage to ask for the raise or state your fee with a client. One of the best ways to boost your confidence is to wear clothes that you make you feel good.

You already know this to be true. If you’re feeling lousy one day, doesn’t your mood immediately change when you put on your favorite outfit? Not only does your mood change, but the people around you also respond differently to you.

Defining your fashion and style is part of the journey of being financially successful. I am currently working on mine and invite you to join the journey with me as I work with my wardrobe stylist. Keep reading for her tips on how to level up your sense of style.

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This upcoming year is going to be amazing because Danetha and I are joining forces to show you how to build your dream wardrobe. Between the two of us, we will not only show you how to up your style game as a professional, modern woman, but also, how to plan for it financially. As with any good habit, small changes add up to something great- so let’s move forward with this first set of takeaways.

As you may have read from last week’s Money & Mimosas, I started working with Danetha in strengthening her personal style. A great first step in honing in on your personal style is doing a “closet cleanse” which basically means gutting your entire wardrobe to only include items that are the strong points in your style.

Here are a few main points to consider in conducting a closet cleanse.

1. Empty out everything.

Seeing the contents of your closet outside of context will provide a new perspective for what you actually own. Between gifts, impulse buys, clothing that doesn’t properly fit but we still feel like keeping because we spent money on it, the list goes on… Once it’s out, you can face each item with a fresh point of view.

2. Organize your clothing by priority

Create four piles: definitely keep, maybe, donate, and throw away. Use this time as you organize to reflect on how each item makes you feel when you wear it. Any hesitation is a red flag that the item does not belong in your wardrobe. When you are done, the keep pile may be the smallest, but the positive side to this, is that the items that you do keep are the foundation to your style.

3. Think of yourself as a style icon

Reflect on the most stylish people throughout history. Despite a diverse array of personal styles out there, style icons have one main thing in common: a signature identity. The more you can define the key components of your signature, the more you can develop what it is about you that stands out. Not only will you feel more true to yourself, but you will also come across stronger to other people.

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4. Consider your lifestyle

Absolutely, you can be fashionable 100% of the time. The beauty of a well defined closet is having the variables of your multifaceted lifestyle come together and always be reflective of your individuality. Consider your activewear, loungewear, special events, work, social life, and even events that you wish to attend more of in the future.  If you have something that doesn’t represent that best version of you for each of those scenarios then toss it and we will upgrade over the coming year.

5. Design elements

If you are working with me on developing your personal style, we may identify your color palette and silhouette ahead of time. A smaller color palette (3-5 main colors) allows for more versatility when pairing items. Color is an important variable, but also, don’t forget to keep in mind prints, patterns, texture, and textiles in general. Consideration of details like these are what transitions a look from low end to sophisticated. I will cover more on this in the future both with Danetha and on my newsletter, but for now just start to wrap your mind around what type of details you are drawn too.

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6. This is self care.

Your closet may be a good point for self-reflection, but please, keep your eyes on the prize. You are doing this for yourself to become the best version of you. If anything makes you feel body conscious or brings up a memory of a fashion nightmare, anything, just acknowledge it and remind yourself from here on out we are going to up your style game. It can be hard to get rid of things for some, so imagine yourself with the wardrobe of your dreams because you can absolutely attain it.

And now I’d love to hear from you! How often do you clean out your closet? Let me know in the comments below.

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