Money Date With Blueland

Every Friday I recommend having a money date…with a mimosa. Hence the name of my blog, Money & Mimosas.

Your money date is your special time to review your finances, celebrate your wins, and reflect on how you used your money to make a difference. Feel free to do it alone or with your money buddy.  If you’d like a step-by-step guide for your money date, click here to download your free checklist.

In these money date articles, Money & Mimosas features small to medium-sized businesses that are aligned with our values. This fall, we are focusing solely on eco-friendly beauty and home brands to help you make more conscious choices to help the environment.

This week we are featuring Blueland, a startup created nearly three years ago with the goal to minimize single use plastic in the household cleaning space. 

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It was originally co-founded by Sarah Paiji Yoo and Syed Naqvi, with Sarah still being the CEO today. As a new mother, she was shocked to learn that microplastics from the thousands of single use bottles thrown away each day were found in the water and food she was feeding her son Noah. Additionally many of those bottles ended up in the oceans and not landfills, which caused further harm to wildlife. Although she wanted to do her part to eliminate these bottles, she was unable to find alternatives to household cleaners and soaps that did not come in single use plastic. From there, the idea for Blueland was born. 

Blueland’s products became the alternative she and many others were looking for. Using their Forever Bottle cleaning system, you never have to throw away another plastic cleaning bottle again. 

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How does the system work? Once you receive the kit of your choosing, included with the bottles is a set of tablets packaged in compostable paper. These tablets come in a variety of cleaning products; including glass, bathroom, and multi surface cleaners, but also hand soap. Simply fill your Forever Bottles with tap water, add the tablet, wait for it to dissolve, and it’s ready to use. 

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These tablets and bottles allow you to do much more than just minimize the use of single use plastic. For example, they are so small and lightweight that in comparison to standard household cleaners, they create a much smaller carbon footprint within the shipping process. On top of that they are also vegan, cruelty free, and non-toxic; making them far safer to use around children. The cost to refill is also around $2 a tablet, which is less than buying a bottle of standard single use cleaner. 

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Overall, Blueland is extremely innovative when it comes to making your household cleaning routine more eco-friendly. Not only does it allow you to reduce the amount of single use plastic you consume through their reusable bottles, but also allows you to minimize your carbon footprint while being mindful of excess packaging.

According to Blueland’s website, if people in the United States alone start removing single use plastic cleaner bottles from their day to day routines, over 100 billion bottles would be removed from production. Imagine what could be accomplished if we all take part in that.

Want to take the plunge to make your cleaning routine more ocean friendly? Check out Blueland’s website.

Money & Mimosas

Money & Mimosas is a financial education resource created by Danetha Doe. It is now enjoyed by readers in over fifty countries.

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