Release These Five Money Blocks And Become A Money Magnet In 2021

It’s a New Year and if you’re like most folks you have financial goals you intend to achieve this year. As your financial cheerleader, I am rooting you on and I hope Money & Mimosas can be a source of guiding light for you on this financial journey. Whether your goal is to add $10,000 to your savings this year, purchase your first investment property, start a business or scale your business to a six, seven, or eight-figure company, there are fundamental financial principles we all must tend to in order to elevate our financial situation.

In this article, I am going to address the five biggest money blocks that often block one’s flow of abundance. Before you read the blocks, there are two assumptions I made. In order to ensure we are on the same page, here are my assumptions:

  • You understand that money is energy.

  • Just like you have a relationship with food, you have a relationship with money.

If these two assumptions do not resonate with you, I don't recommend reading this article because it will be of little to no value for you.

If you are on board with these assumptions, keep on reading for the five biggest money blocks.

Become a money magnet Money & Mimosas

Block #1: Lack of humility

In money mysticism, the flow of abundance is governed by the laws of the cosmos. As human beings who live on planet Earth, our individual and collective financial abundance is only realized once we act in accordance with the laws of nature and the laws of the cosmos. The laws of the cosmos include manifesting- which is arguably the most well-known of the Universal laws which govern the flow of abundance. You can view the law of the cosmos as the high court, and the laws of nature to be the local court. The gods and goddesses of the high court are benevolent as long as human beings accept and surrender to their limited capacity.

As spiritual beings having a human experience, we must each be humbled by the fact that our abilities are limited due to our physical bodies. We do not have control on anything outside of ourselves and we are not superior to any other sentient being. However, many humans fail to acknowledge their limitations and instead choose to embody an air of false superiority. The cosmos abhor hubris. Excessive pride and lack of humility will cut you off from the flow of abundance.

Block #2: Confusing your soul’s purpose with your passion

Whether you ascribe to the Hindu belief that we each have a singular divine purpose or another belief that we have many purposes in this lifetime, it is clear that each of our souls is here with a purpose. The more in alignment you are with your true self, the more in alignment you will be with your soul’s purpose. As your actions align with your soul’s purpose, the more in alignment you will be with the flow of abundance. Unfortunately, it is easy to confuse your soul’s purpose with your passion. When you are acting in accordance with your passion, you may be fulfilling an internal burning desire but you will not generate financial fulfillment. The Japanese concept, Ikigai, clearly articulates this:

Ikigai Money & Mimosas

As you can see, your passion combines what you love with what you are good at. However, it is falls outside of the realm of what you can get paid to do. Passions are great for inner satisfaction, but fail to align you with the flow of abundance. In the Money Makers membership, you can dive deeper into how to shift your passion into a money maker.

From an astrological perspective, this is often seen when an individual creates a business based on the placement of Mars on their birth chart rather than their sun placement.

Block #3: Lack of a financial spiritual practice

Similar to an individual with an eating disorder who needs to heal their relationship with food, the vast majority of us have a financial health disorder and need to heal our relationship with money. Some of us have a financial health disorder because we have been abused by the white patriarchy and white feminism, while others of us have a financial health disorder because we were the abusers and/or the facilitators of the financial abuse. Either way, there is healing to be done.

Creating a financial spiritual practice will help you reclaim your relationship with money. Once you develop a relationship with money then the symptoms of financial dysmorphia, financial anxiety, financial self-flagellation will begin to dissipate. To start, I recommend money mindfulness. One simple practice to help usher in money mindfulness is to have a weekly money date. Your weekly money date is a time to review your financial decisions, celebrate your wins, and reflect on how you can use your money to make a difference. This practice brings awareness to your financial life and sets the stage for nurturing your financial life back to health. To learn more about your weekly money date, watch this video, and download your free checklist.

Block #4: Spiritual bypass

Many folks want to skip straight to manifesting. They want to start working with the goddess Lakshmi or the orisha Oshun to attract prosperity and manifest money. However, in order to become a money magnet, you must clean up the side of your street first.

This includes practicing self-forgiveness for past financial missteps. For white women, this includes owning your addiction to white privilege and the financial abuse you have allowed to circulate through the lives of Black women.

Manifesting is of the cosmos. It is the high court. The first court of order is governed by the laws of nature. Most folks like to focus on the Law of Attraction (the law of vibration) when they think about the laws of nature. But, there are six other laws including the law of cause and effect. Everything you have sent out comes back to you. What financial energy have you sent out that needs to be rectified?

Block #5: Your money mindset

Last, but certainly not least, your money mindset plays a huge role in your ability to be a money magnet. There is the abundant money mindset and the scarcity money mindset. The abundant money mindset operates from the core belief that there is more than enough financial resources to go around. It has a healthy balance of optimism with reality, resulting in the ability to imagine and create financial opportunities for oneself.

On the other hand, the scarcity money mindset operates from the core belief that there are not enough financial resources to go around. Its unhealthy relationship with money leads to imbalance and financial rigidity that reduces one’s ability to think outside of the box.

Shifting from a scarcity money mindset to an abundant mindset requires mindfulness and a daily commitment. One daily practice you can implement is visualization. Every morning, spend five minutes visualizing whatever financial peace and financial fulfillment means to you. This practice will retrain your brain to believe in possibilities and shift your money aura to be more in the flow of abundance.