The New Moon And How It Can Help You Manifest Money

If you have stumbled across this article, you are likely ready for a transformation. A breakthrough. Perhaps in your financial life, perhaps in your love life, perhaps in all areas of your life. Regardless of the area or areas, you and I both know it is all connected. Whichever shift your soul is yearning for, the new moon’s energy is a powerful portal for activating your next breakthrough.

As I type this article, my incense blend of frankincense with myrrh is burning, my red San Miguel Arcangel candle is lit for protection, my fiancé’s chili is simmering in the crockpot, all while I am listening to this recording of Chronicles of Narnia - Winter Woods Music & Ambience. Currently, I am living in Sedona, Arizona in a country home filled with plants and beautiful artwork. There is a steady rain outside my window pane - uncommon for this area- and dark, heavy clouds are creating a mystical ambiance that seems like a fitting backdrop for my writing today. Feel free to join me in the mood nature has set for this article.

In modern astronomy, the New Moon is when the Sun and Moon are aligned, with the Sun and Earth on opposite sides of the Moon. Due to the gravitational forces between the Sun and Moon, high and low tides are most pronounced during the new and full moon.

Photo credit: Time and Date

Photo credit: Time and Date

Femininity and the Moon

In some cultures, the new moon is known as the dark moon. Its “absence” allows other celestial beings such as planets and stars to be more visible in the night sky. Many cultures implicitly link the cycle of the moon with the woman’s menstrual cycle evidenced, in part, by the deities associated with the moon who govern fertility and creativity.

Some of these deities include:

Activating financial abundance

The energy from the new moon is restorative and allows for an ease-ful birthing process. It is a time to plant new thoughts, ideas, that can be fertilized through the remainder of the moon’s cycle. Every new moon is a time of new beginnings. If you are ready for a transformation in your life, the new moon’s energy will support you in creating an easeful, graceful breakthrough.

Money Tips- New Moon Money & Mimosas

This is not to suggest that the new moon will make the process easier or you won’t experience challenges. Instead, working with new moon’s energy will mean that you are working with the flow of abundance rather than against. It is akin to moving with the current or against it.

Imagine you are swimming in a rushing river. You want to get back to shore. You have two choices - to swim against the current and end up on one side of the shore. Or you can swim with the current and end up on the other side. The distance between the two sides is negligible, the choice really comes down to the experience you wish to have as you swim back to shore. Swimming against the current will require an immense amount of effort and you will tire out quickly. Swimming with the current also requires effort and energy, but the process will be much more easeful. This is what it is like to work with the moon’s energy. You don’t have to, but it’s a much more pleasurable experience to do so.

New Moon Rituals

There are a variety of new moon rituals that folks can do to manifest financial abundance. These rituals vary depending upon the zodiac sign of the new moon, the accompanying animal spirit associated with the new moon, and my observation of what is happening within cultural economics. Every individual’s relationship with the moon’s money energy is nuanced, however there are general principles one can apply to their rituals.

The first step is to ground yourself into reality. This includes being very clear about your current financial situation and how you generally feel in your body. This is not the time to lie to yourself, deny the truth, project your toxicity, or sugarcoat the situation. The moon’s energy knows when you are pretending and your absence of truth will sabotage your efforts. If you have any grounding bodywork practices you enjoy doing, feel free to incorporate them. For me, it can be as simple as walking barefoot in the soil or whining my hips to the beats of Dancehall music.

The second step is to unearth your desire(s). Now that you are of a clear mind, heart, and soul from step one’s grounding practice, you can easefully tap into your subconscious (and perhaps your unconscious) to hear what your soul is truly yearning for and the step you need to take to get closer to it. For example, let’s say your desire is to manifest money.

Great. Now, we need to unpack this desire to get to the why underneath it. The why could be that you wish to embody the cultured woman eager to shine through in your personality. A cultured woman could mean learning a new language and your wish to manifest money is to be able to pay for a virtual tutor.

Great. Now, we need to ask the subconscious what intention you need to set to be able to manifest money to support this desire of yours and hire a virtual tutor. This is where most folks miss the mark. Naturally, they think they need to set an intention akin to an affirmation. For example, “I intend to manifest an additional $2,000 this month.” Or, “My intention is to launch a new business and take the steps needed to grow it.”

The first intention has to do with your money mindset. The second intention has to do with action steps- which I refer to as your financial well-being. However, as you learn in the Money Mastery Program, these two pillars have little to with your money energy. When it comes to setting intentions with the moon’s energy, you need to hone into your Money Aura. This is the third pillar in your overall financial health and the only pillar that activates the soul of money. In order to activate it, you need to connect with your soul and set an intention that puts its needs front and center.

In the Bible, this verse says it best:

“But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these. things shall be added unto you.” Matthew 6:33.

Activating your flow of abundance

I do not identify as a Christian, but I do believe there is wisdom to be learned from all religious and spiritual texts. This verse clearly paints the notion that if you seek connection with your spirit, your divine, your highest self-, or whichever word you choose - you will be rewarded with earthly riches.

Therefore, when setting an intention under the new moon, reflect on the new beginning your soul wishes to experience. Perhaps the new beginning is feeling a sense of clarity, feeling a heightened focus, or feeling a deepened connection with Self. With the example of stepping into your cultured woman identity, perhaps the new beginning is feeling a renewed sense of inspiration or feeling empowered. Once you set the intention of how you wish to feel, then the step(s) you need to take to activate your flow of financial abundance will be revealed to you under the dark moon.